7 Tips On How To Increase Your Metabolism

Being a human, we need to eat, sleep and do some work. By eating we take some energy in our body and by the exercise’s we do some metabolic steps to break the food. The food we take in our body is large pieces of different contents in the form of fat, carbohydrates, and essential proteins.

Metabolism is that chemical process wherein the food you consume is converted into energy for use by the body. That’s why people who wish to lose weight look for effective methods of keeping their metabolic rate up. The following are a few short tips on how to improve metabolism. You’ll find a whole lot more at metabolicrenewalreviews.com.

blueberry yogurt and berries1. Don’t skip breakfast.

It’s an essential meal of the day as it provides the initial energy your body needs after being asleep for hours. Additionally, it starts up your metabolism and keeps it going for the rest of the day. Studies have concluded that people who have breakfast got less weight or body issues compared to people who don’t.

In fact, don’t skip any meals. When you skip meals, your body goes into starvation mode, and the body’s metabolism reduces during the long gap in-between meals. Hence, there is more time for production of fat.

2. Go for cardio exercises.

Aerobic or Cardiovascular are types of exercises which are great for burning excess fats and calories and boosting your metabolism. The exercise also makes your hurt beat to increase even after you are done exercising. The most known Cardiovascular exercise examples include playing badminton, biking, walking, dancing, jogging, swimming, etc.

3. Eat frequently.

Eating 5 to 6 small meals during the day is better than having three big meals at which is also better than crash dieting. When you eat regularly, your metabolic rate is ever high and also will keep you satisfied.

4. Eat slowly.

One of the best things about eating slowly is that it allows you time to enjoy what you are eating. Eating slowly also helps in digestion and gives your brain the time to understand that it is full, which will keep you from being hungry after you have just eaten.

5. Have more protein.

It’s important to maintain muscle mass as it eats up calories even while you’re at rest. One way of doing so is by eating protein. What’s more, your body needs more energy to digest and process protein. This way, you tend to lose a lot more calories right after having chicken, fish, eggs, legumes and the likes.

6. Skip the long runs.

Distance running doesn’t enhance your fat-burning. For metabolic benefits, it is much more efficient to do short sprints of thirty seconds, interspersed with a slow jog.

Green Tea photo7. Drink green tea.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, and drinking it is one effective way of how to increase your metabolism. Caffeine found in coffee does the same thing to the metabolic rate. However, consuming too much of it causes some undesirable health effects along the way, so it’s not recommendable.

You need to know some certain tips while buying “green tea” as every brand that is available in the market may not have all the natural ingredients. Also the taste can be very different. Shop around to find one you like, that is also a good quality.

Avoid food products that contain sugar, which slows down your metabolism and creates a fat-storing machine. Reach for foods that contain complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grains, low-fat dairy products or a protein-balanced smoothie. Start losing weight, controlling it and maintaining a healthy lifestyle by increasing your metabolism!

Why Walking is the Best Exercise

Woman walkingIf you want to know about the best exercise for your health and fitness, you are not alone. The enormous benefit of the exercise for general health, longevity, and for warding off diseases has become so widely known these days that fitness clubs have been cropping up everywhere to cater to the growing demand. Health conscious joggers have been filling our streets as never before. Clearly, people have become aware of the importance of exercise, particularly jogging (or aerobics in general), to health and well-being.

What is generally not known is that regular brisk walking provides many (if not all) of the benefits of jogging. It is also simpler, causes less injury, and is much safer than running or jogging. The beauty of walking is that it is something we learned how to do when we were barely two years old and is something we will probably continue to do long after we retire. Furthermore, it requires no skill, needs no practice, and no equipment except for a good pair of sturdy shoes. Those are just a few of the reasons why walking is considered the best exercise.

Walking 30 to 60 minutes a day offers the following benefits:

1. Walking minimizes the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Regular brisk walking improves utilization of insulin and controls cholesterol and blood sugar levels. According to the diabetes prevention program, walking for 50 minutes a week and achieving a 7 percent reduction in weight decreases the risk of getting type-2 diabetes by up to 58%. Walking burns about 100 calories per mile is thus one of the best ways to prevent or combat type-2 diabetes.

2. Improves blood circulation

Walking boosts blood circulation by increasing the size and efficiency of blood vessels. This is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from poor blood circulation in their feet, legs, or arms. Increased blood circulation and increased heartbeat rate in turn facilitate the transport of oxygen rich blood to lungs and muscles thereby increasing their efficiency markedly. That is one reason why walking is often prescribed as the best exercise after heart surgery.

3. Increases bone density

Another benefit you can accrue from regular walking is increased bone density. Several studies have shown that brisk walking significantly increases bone density particularly in older and post-menopausal women. Furthermore, by improving circulation around the legs, walking ensures that bones get the calcium and potassium they need for optimal functioning.

4. Walking improves physical function among the elderly
Walking is particularly useful for the elderly who tend to be vulnerable to injuries. Many elderly people find jogging too strenuous to practice on a regular basis and are liable to accidents and injuries. Walking on the other hand is less stressful, less likely to cause injuries or accidents, and can even be enjoyable.

5. Improves brain function

Walking in the mountainsIn addition to the physical benefits listed above, walking also has a positive effect on the brain. According to some studies, it improves memory and cognitive function and battles declines in brain function that comes with aging. Researchers have also confirmed that the cognitive function of women who walked at least 2 hours per week is significantly greater than women who walked less than 30 minutes. Walking also relieves stress, depression, and anxiety by causing the release of endorphins – the body’s natural tranquilizers.

The above are just some of the benefits you can derive from walking. All you need to derive benefits is to walk more often and to do it briskly and vigorously. To maximize benefits, maintain proper posture while you walk; stand up straight and tall with your chin up and with each step, swing the arm opposite to your forward feet.

One final note: walking shouldn’t be done casually or intermittently. You will gain little if you do it haphazardly and inconsistently. One effective way to motivate yourself and overcome your lethargy is to do it with a walking buddy. If someone is counting on you or waiting for you to show up, you are less likely to skip or cancel a commitment.

It may also help to constantly remind yourself of the good-feeling that follows walking. When we walk, the body releases the chemical serotonin, the natural feel-good hormone.
Endorphins (happy hormones) are also released and that is why you feel a mild, natural high at the end of a walking workout session. Remembering this feeling can be a good incentive for you to keep doing it. However you do it, maintain a consistent routine; stick to it and you will find out yourself why walking is the best exercise.